The e-prescription for Germany

Redeeming with the eGK

Insured persons have the opportunity to redeem e-prescriptions digitally with their electronic health card (eGK). Here we show how easy it is:

  1. 1

    Receive e-prescription

    Your doctor prescribes an e-prescription for you and stores it securely in the telematics infrastructure (TI).

  2. 2

    Redeem paperless

    At the pharmacy, insert your health card into the card terminal.


  3. 3

    Take medicines with you

    The pharmacist retrieves all your open e-prescriptions from the TI and hands over your medications. Done!


The key to the e-prescription:

The e-prescription app

In order to be able to receive and redeem prescriptions electronically, those with statutory health insurance need the gematik e-prescription app - it is called "Das E-Rezept".


Download now for free:

Using the e-prescription without a smartphone

  • If you want, you can take a printout of the prescription to the doctor’s office as usual.
  • The slip is no longer pink like it used to be, but it contains all the important information about the prescription and a prescription code.
  • Due to the digital signature, the printout is also valid without a manual signature.
  • The specialist staff at the pharmacy scans the prescription code and you can then take your medication with you or order it.
  • You can see what an e-prescription printout looks like here